St Tropez Tote Pattern
The St Tropez Tote is a nice big tote and great for IPADS and cell phones. It has large zipper pocket inside and two additional inside pockets. It features Nancy's easy to sew NO SAG bottom. Great for classes and kits. Full color instructions with pictures.
Finished Size: 18" wide at the top x 15" tall x 6" deep
What You'll Need:
- 1/2 yard for Top Front & Back
- 1/2 yrd for Bottom Bands Front & Back
- 1/2 yrd for Inside Pockets
- 1/2 yrd for Lining
- 1 yrd Fusible Fleece
- 1/2 yrd Fusible Decor Bond
- 1/8 yrd Single Side Fusible Peltex
- (1) 14" Zipper
- 2 yrds 1" wide Webbing for straps
Jeans/Demin (90/14) Machine Needles